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Disability-Inclusive Grantmaking

Foundation Giving for Disability

This report offers a first-ever, detailed examination of how U.S. foundations focus their support for disability communities.

Héctor Manuel Ramírez: How Philanthropy Can Learn from the Native-Led Model of Giving

Find out how non-Native philanthropy can learn from Indigenous models of giving.

Anna Shireen Wadia: Why the CARE Fund Supports a Disability-Led Care Movement

Learn from the example of one philanthropic collaborating centering disability in their care funding.

The Power of Participation: How Philanthropy Can Center People on the Margins

Learn more about the the Advancing Participation in Philanthropy Tool (APPT), a self-assessment tool to help philanthropy shift power in support of participatory grantmaking.

Disability Inclusion: Required – Episode 15 – Uplifting the LGBTQIA+ Disabled Experience

Gabriel Foster, Co-founder & Executive Director of the Trans Justice Funding Project, shines a spotlight on the importance of centering the leadership of trans people in funding decisions, particularly in relation to intersecting oppressions such as ableism

“Nothing About Us, Without Us” is Beginning to Take Hold in Philanthropy

Emily Harris reflects on her time as the executive director of the Forum and shares stories of the change that is starting to take hold in the philanthropic sector.

Dom Kelly: How Philanthropy Places Barriers on Funding for Disabled Activists

Learn about the barriers to funding that disabled activists face - and how to remove those barriers.

Satonya Fair: How Philanthropy Can Go Beyond Grants to Support Disabled Activism

Learn how funders can support disability rights activists before the grantmaking stage.

Disability Is Intertwined With Incarceration, But This Grant Is Helping to Untangle It

With funding from the MacArthur Foundation, Access Living is working to identify and dismantle root causes of overincarceration of disabled people.

Disability Inclusion: A Radical Departure from Philanthropy’s Past

Emily Harris reflects on philanthropy's ableist past and urges the sector to move forward in a way that truly embraces disability inclusion.

Disability Inclusion: Required – Episode 13 – The Impact of Funding Disabled Media Makers

Inevitable Foundation co-founders Richie Siegel and Marisa Torelli-Pedevska discuss the importance of supporting authentic disability representation in the media.

Gabriel San Emeterio: How Funders Can Support Long COVID Patient Organizing

Learn the many ways in which funding can critically shift the care and research landscape for Long COVID patients.

Amanda Andere: The Importance of Funding Intersectional Housing Justice

Learn why de-siloing funding is crucial for achieving true housing justice.

Allie Cannington: How Philanthropy Can Fund Truly Disability-Inclusive Housing

A call for housing funders to center disabled perspectives.

Candace Coleman: How Funders Can Support Formerly Incarcerated Disabled People

Three ways funders can support community reentry for formerly incarcerated disabled people.

Ana Oliveira: How Foundations Can Integrate a Disability Lens in Grantmaking

Learn why a commitment to intersectional disability inclusion funding requires dismantling traditional segmented grantmaking categories.

Disability Equity Webinar Series: Grantmaking for Disability: LGBTQIA+ Funding

Learn why philanthropy cannot ignore funding rights and justice for disabled LGBTQIA+ communities.

Disability Inclusion: Required – Episode 10 – The Impact of Funding Direct Action and Organizing

A conversation about funding direct action and organizing with Julie Farrar, a longtime disabled organizer and activist, along with Jen Matheson, who leads the Advancing Disability Justice program at Northwest Health Foundation.

Disability Inclusion: Required – Episode 8 – The Disability Inclusion Pledge

A conversation with Kristy Trautmann, Executive Director of FISA Foundation, about the Disability Inclusion Pledge.

Fact Sheet: Why Fund Disability Rights and Disability Justice?

Disability is a natural part of the human experience. Disabled people are part of the beautiful threads of diversity woven throughout our world. It’s important to recognize that disability is, for so many, a celebrated identity connected to a vibrant history, culture, and community.

Steven Lawrence Introduces the 2023 Foundation Giving for Disability Report

An introduction to the methodology, context, and key findings from the 2023 Foundation Giving for Disability report.

Amoretta Morris: How Funders Can Support Liberation Work

Two lessons learned by a philanthropic intermediary funding social justice and liberation work.

Katherine Pérez: What Funders Need to Know About Disabled Communities of Color

Three essential reminders for funding the work of disabled people of color.

A Victory for Reproductive Rights for Indonesian Women and Girls with Disabilities

Supported by funding from the Disability Rights Fund and its sister fund, the Disability Rights Advocacy Fund, women in Indonesia fought to protect their reproductive rights.

Disability Inclusion: Required – Episode 1 – Foundation Giving for Disability

A conversation with Sandy Ho and Dr. Richard Besser on why it's essential that philanthropy applies a disability lens across all of their operations and grantmaking.

Bringing a Disability Lens to Criminal Legal Reform in Baltimore

Seed funding from Open Society Institute (OSI)-Baltimore supported policy change and organizing to address unjust arrests of unhoused people with disabilities.

All of Our Futures Depend on Funding Disability

Philanthropy cannot continue to ignore disability rights and justice or relegate disabled people to the sidelines.

Disability & Philanthropy Webinar Series: Grantmaking for Disability: Where are the Dollars?

Learn why philanthropy cannot ignore funding for disability rights and justice.

Keith Jones Reflects on How Philanthropy Can Support Disability Economic Justice

A reflection on opportunities philanthropy has to direct funding toward systemic issues impacting the disability community.

Lydia X.Z. Brown Powerfully Addresses Philanthropy’s Ableist Practices

A deeply honest spotlight on the multitude of ways ableism continues to show up across the philanthropic sector.

Ryan Easterly Reflects on the WITH Foundation’s Journey Toward Anti-Ableist Grantmaking

Learn about concrete actions WITH Foundation is taking to ensure their grantmaking practices are truly accessible and inclusive.

Understanding Disability-Inclusive Grantmaking in a Broader Social Justice Context

A conversation with Ingrid Tischer about what funders need to know about disability-inclusive grantmaking.

Dismantling the Charity Model of Disability Within Philanthropy

A conversation with Ingrid Tischer about why and how to dismantle the charity model of disability in philanthropy.

Stefanie Lyn Kaufman-Mthimkhulu Asks Philanthropy to Shift How It Chooses to Allocate Funds

A call for funders to reconsider existing grantmaking practices that perpetuate oppression.

Marq Mitchell Offers Guidance on How Funders Can Support Justice for Marginalized Communities

Insights on what funders must be aware of to truly advance justice through their grantmaking work.

Keris Jän Myrick Calls on Philanthropy to Center People with Lived Experience

Why it's vital for grantmakers to center people with lived experience in their grantmaking work.

Journey to Inclusion Series: Participatory Disability Grantmaking

Learn from disability advocates serving on participatory grantmaking committees.

Moving Toward Equity: the Disability Inclusion Pledge

by Megan E. Doherty Although disability is a natural part of the human experience, our cultures and institutions—including philanthropy—have long...

Supporting Disability Inclusion Among Creative Groups

by Lane Harwell, Program Officer, Creativity and Free Expression, Ford Foundation The Ford Foundation's Creativity and Free Expression (CFE) program...

Dr. Yolanda Muñoz Urges Climate Justice Funders to Include Disabled People

Dr. Yolanda Muñoz discusses why it's imperative to include the disability community in grantmaking work that addresses climate change.

Guidance for Disability-Inclusive Grants Assessments

To better understand and learn from disability-inclusive grantmaking practices, foundations can use the following questions both for internal reflection and...

Disability & Philanthropy Webinar Series: Disability, Arts, & Culture

Powerful insights on rethink our understanding of how to support truly disability-inclusive arts and culture.

Dr. Subini Annamma Urges Philanthropy to Center BIPOC Disabled People

Dr. Subini Annamma urges philanthropy to stop centering whiteness and shift toward centering BIPOC disabled people. Click here for a...

Lydia X. Z. Brown Calls On Philanthropy to Center Multi-Marginalized Disabled People

Lydia X. Z. Brown calls on philanthropy to center multi-marginalized disabled people within their work and equitably redistribute resources. Click...

Dr. Poorna Kushalnagar Addresses the Need for Disabled Leadership in Research Funding Efforts

In this excerpt from the Disability & Philanthropy Forum’s webinar on health equity and disability, Dr. Poorna Kushalnagar speaks to...

The Time Is Now: Funding Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Youth Fellowships

This guide for funders, created by Open Society Foundations (OSF), a member of the Presidents' Council on Disability Inclusion in...

What Funders Need to Know About Disability-Inclusive Grantmaking: Al Otro Lado

This interview is a Q&A with Nora Phillips, Legal Director, Al Otro Lado. As the alarming impact of COVID-19 on...

Guidance for Foundations on Creating Disability Advisory Groups

As part of a commitment to upholding “Nothing about us without us” and consulting with the disability community, teams may...

Funder Guidance and Case Studies for Disability-Inclusive Grantmaking

Drawn from the Ford Foundation's capacity-building efforts with program staff, this guidance is intended to support grantmakers as they build...

Disability Inclusion in Philanthropy: A Working Paper for Grantmakers and the Consultants Who Support Their Work

The National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers (NNCG) working paper is a starting place of learning for the Disability Inclusion...

What Funders Need to Know About Disability-Inclusive Grantmaking: People First Wisconsin

This interview is a Q&A with Cindy Bentley, Executive Director at People First Wisconsin. As the alarming impact of COVID-19...

What Funders Need to Know About Disability-Inclusive Grantmaking: National Council on Independent Living

This interview is a Q&A with Cara Liebowitz, Former Development Coordinator at the National Council on Independent Living. As the...

What Funders Need to Know About Disability-Inclusive Grantmaking: Disability Rights Fund

This interview is a Q&A with Jen Bokoff, Director of Development at the Disability Rights Fund and the Disability Rights...

What Funders Need to Know About Disability-Inclusive Grantmaking: Detroit Disability Power

This interview is a Q&A with Dessa Cosma, Executive Director at Detroit Disability Power. As the alarming impact of COVID-19...

What Funders Need to Know About Disability-Inclusive Grantmaking: CDPAANYS

This interview is a Q&A with Bryan O’Malley, Executive Director at CDPAANYS. As the alarming impact of COVID-19 on people...

My Experiences as a Filipino/Black Woman with a Disability in Philanthropy

by Nikki Brown-Booker, August 2020 I am a Filipino/Black woman with a disability who works in philanthropy. When I enter...

Disability Inclusion & Philanthropy: Living Your Values

How can funders live their values and work toward disability inclusion? This video offers practical insight from disability advocates on...

Disability Inclusion & Philanthropy: A Message to Funders

Listen up, funders! The time is now to ensure that disability is no longer relegated to a niche grantmaking area...

Webinar – COVID-19 and Disability: A Call to Action for Philanthropy

COVID-19 demonstrates that disability inclusion in philanthropy is more crucial than ever. In this webinar, hosted on April 22, 2020...

Disability-Inclusive Grantmaking in Action

Remember: it takes a journey to achieve truly disability-inclusive grantmaking, and the journey is ongoing. Here's a round-up of insight...

Catalyze Disability Inclusion in Your Grantmaking

There are many steps to take to catalyze disability-inclusive grantmaking. This guide offer fives key strategies to start. 1. Ask...

Disability Inclusion Menu

In this resource, you'll learn about strategies to bring disability inclusion to your workplace and grantmaking practices. There are many...

Insights Into Inclusive Philanthropy – WITH Foundation

This interview with Ryan Easterly, Executive Director of the WITH Foundation, is part of a series about disability-inclusive grantmaking. The...

Insights Into Inclusive Philanthropy – Ruderman Foundation

This interview with Jay Ruderman, President of the Ruderman Family Foundation, is part of a series about disability-inclusive grantmaking. The...

Insights Into Inclusive Philanthropy – Weingart Foundation

This interview with Belen Vargas, Former Senior Vice President of the Weingart Foundation, is part of a series about disability-inclusive...

Insights Into Inclusive Philanthropy – Wellspring Philanthropic Fund

This interview with Myroslava Tataryn, disability rights program officer for the International Human Rights Program at Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, is...

Philanthropic Responses to COVID-19: 4 Disability-Inclusive Approaches

This resource offers four disability-inclusive approaches, each accompanied by examples, to inform your foundation's responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. For...

Insights Into Inclusive Philanthropy – Northwest Health Foundation

This interview with Northwest Health Foundation's Jen Matheson, Director of Programs, and Laura Nash, Communications Consultant, is part of a...